CSE101 prerequisites

Unsure if anyone here would know, but since CSE101 is switching over to new course material in the Winter quarter, will we be able to enroll in it with current prerequisites (aka, having taken CMPE16/CMPS12B/MATH 21 or 23A)?

In the department reorg video Sesh mentioned they would relax the prerequisites, and allow people to take 101 if they had taken 12B and were confident in C/C++. However, I’ve heard mixed things about whether or not this is really the case, and I’ve heard Winter quarter and beyond (when they change the format) they will require the entire new programming sequence regardless of completing the previous prerequisites.

Since 101 is likely filled up in the fall (surprising that they only offered one section given the circumstances), I’d really like to know if I need to enroll in the new programming courses, or if the prerequisites will continue to be cleared when the course content changes. Hoping maybe a faculty member or TA knows.